The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies Annual Exhibition 2025

Thursday, Jan 2, 2025

The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies Annual Exhibition 2025

This year the Exhibition has moved to a new venue at The Apex Gallery, Charter Square, Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 3FD, running from Saturday 3rd May 2025. The official opening will be at 2.00pm by the Federation President, Nick Akers, ARPS BPE4*, followed by the presentation of awards and a full-screen-projected display of the accepted PDI images. The Exhibition closes at 1.00pm on Sunday 18th May. With this new location we are hoping that more people will attend and visit the exhibition, with more on offer around the area.

I appreciate that it may seem a long way off at present but now is the time to start thinking about your image selection. This is one event where you can choose which images you want to submit and, although they are submitted through the club, the selection committee have no say in what gets entered, so I am giving you plenty of notice.

The rules and entry form are all on the Society’s website and are attached here; please read them carefully. You can submit a maximum of 4 PDI’s, 4 Colour and 4 Mono Prints. Please do not use any other entry form other than our entry form which is available on the club’s website.

We will be using the club’s ‘Photo Entry System’, which everyone seems to have mastered. The deadline will be Tuesday 4th March. You will need PDIs to accompany all your prints.

Please download the word document entry form on the club website, (or use the one attached). The file name of any PDI submitted must be the exact same as the PDI or Print title entered on the entry form and in the case of prints, the exact same as the title on the back of the print itself, top left as you view the print from the rear. (variations in the past have caused problems). Please send it to Steve Robinson, by no later than Tuesday 4th March, No late entries please. The cost is 60p per image, payable in cash only please, to Steve Robinson.

Prints can be handed to me before, but by no later than, Tuesday 11th March, which is the ‘3 on a Theme and Tryptych’ competition. As there may be a shortage of prints this year, please give it some thought and make a submission. Sadly, there will be some prints that will not be selected. These will be returned on Tuesday 1st April club night, which is a presentation “His and Hers” by Pat and Melvyn Frewin.

I hope to see a good response from you all; in the past you have not let us down.

The very best of luck.

– Vic Hainsworth (President)

Word CPS Entry Form 2025
PDF CPS Entry Form 2025

PDF EAF Exhibition Rules for CPS members