Halstead Twin Towns Competition

Friday, Nov 17, 2023

Halstead Twin Towns Competition

Report on Halstead “Twin Towns” PDI Competition - Thursday 16th Nov 2023

The competition took place at the Methodist Church in Halstead.

The Judge was Mike Fuller again this year.

The competition is between Halstead, Braintree and Colchester, and their respective Twin European towns of Haubourdin, Pierrfitte and Wetzlar.

The event was attended by representatives for the Mayors of the UK towns and was sponsored by the London Camera Exchange.

Club Core
Colchester PS 209
Halstead 190
Wetzlar 179
Braintree 179
Pierrfitte 172
Haubourdin 171

Colin Westgate’s “Mersea Sunrise” was awarded best image.

Images by Chrissie Alexander, Roy Essery and Colin Westgate scored a maximum mark of 20.

– Chris Aldred (External Competition Secretary)


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Colchester Photographic Society Results
Image # Image Title Author Score
1 Digger Wasp with prey Ben Heather CPAGB 18
2 Bamburgh Castle at Sunset Colin Westgate FRPS MPAGB 19
3 Chaffinch vs Great Tit Derek Howes DPAGB 19
4 Blue hour at Shingle Street Steve Ball LRPS CPAGB 19
5 Lammergeier Marny MacDonald DPAGB 18
6 Man in a headscarf Roy Essery MPAGB 20
7 Female Kingfisher tossing a fish Derek Hawes DPAGB 19
8 Natural Beauty Roy Essery MPAGB 19
9 The crane at Portland Peter Pangbourne LRPS 18
10 Piercing souls with beauty Chrissie Alexander 20
11 Sunrise, Mersea Island Colin Westgate FRPS MPAGB 20
12 (Reserve)Golden Eagle swoops Robert MacDonald DPAGB not needed

The reserve image would have been used in case of a tie.


Natural Beauty - Roy Essery MPAGB

Natural Beauty

Piercing souls with beauty - Chrissie Alexander

Piercing souls with beauty

Sunrise, Mersea Island - Colin Westgate FRPS MPAGB

Sunrise, Mersea Island