Colchester Photographic Society 8 x 8 Print Trophy 2022

Tuesday, Oct 18, 2022

Colchester Photographic Society 8 x 8 Print Trophy 2022

On Tuesday 18th October the club hosted the 8x8 Trophy competition where 8 clubs enter 8 images each from a different author.

The competition was judged by Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB who did an excellent job in critiquing the images.

Four of our member’s prints scored 20, Colin Westgate, Chrissie Hart, Chris Aldred and Roy Essery whose “At home with Julio Napolis” was awarded best print of the evening.

Club members brought in an impressive spread of food for the break at half time. A successful evening.

– Chris Aldred (External Competition Secretary)

Position Club Score
1st Colchester 152pts
2nd Chelmsford 148pts
3rd Ipswich 145pts
4th Halstead 144pts
5th Harwich 143pts
6th Springfield 139pts
7th Maldon 137pts
8th Clacton 135pts

Score Sheets

Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Score Sheet
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Summary Sheet
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Chelmsford
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Clacton
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Colchester
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Ipswich
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Halstead
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Harwich
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Maldon
Adobe PDF 8 X 8 Print Trophy - Springfield

Excel 8 X 8 Print Trophy - All Results

8 X 8 Print Trophy Overall Winner

(Pictured above left) Vic Hainsworth ARPS DPAGB APAGB receiving the Trophy on behalf of Colchester from the judge Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB

8 X 8 Print Trophy Overall Best Print

Roy Essery MPAGB receiving his award from the judge Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB

8 X 8 Print Trophy Overall Best Print

8 X 8 Print Trophy Colchester Entries

Roy Essery - At Home with Julio Napolis

Roy Essery - At Home with Julio Napolis

Chris Aldred - Febrrrrrrrry

Chris Aldred - Febrrrrrrrry

Chrissie Alexander - Poppy Haze

Chrissie Alexander - Poppy Haze

Chrissie Hart - Chinese Chess

Chrissie Hart - Chinese Chess

Colin Westgate - Five Trees, Iceland

Colin Westgate - Five Trees, Iceland

Derek Howes - Eagle Owl approaching

Derek Howes - Eagle Owl approaching

Marny Macdonald - Cuckoo in flight

Marny Macdonald - Cuckoo in flight

Martin Heathcote - Flying Low over the Water

Martin Heathcote - Flying Low over the Water