Compliance Documents
Club Documentation
- Club Constitution
- CPS Programme 2024-25
- Data Protection Policy
- CPS Privacy Statement
- Members Booklet - Rev June 2022
PAGB Documents
- Health and Safety (as of July 2022)
- Child Protection (as of July 2022)
- Data Protection (as of July 2022)
- PAGB Standards, Regulations and Rules (as of March 2020)
- PAGB Nature Eligibility for PAGB events (as of May 2020)
- PAGB General Conditions (as of February 2020) These apply to all Competition and Exhibition Events organised by the PAGB, including the Awards for Photographic Merit
- PAGB Avoiding Image Repetition at Events (as of February 2020)
- PAGB monochrome definition (as of February 2020)
Advice Documents
Image Authoring Advice
- CPS PhotoEntry Guidance
- Producing images for Digital Projection Competitions using Photoshop
- Instructions for preparing PDI images for internal competition using LightRoom
- Instructions for preparing PDI images for internal competitions using Elements Mac users click here for video instructions for compressing and sending PDI and images for internal competitions
- The Club’s Triptych Definition
- Overcome Your Fear of Shooting Street Photography
- Adding a key-line around an image
- Checking Monitor Brightness You can borrow the Colormunki Smile device from the club to calibrate your computer screen. The device and software is loaned out for a week at a time. Please see the Club Secretary at the club or email directly at:
- Social Media Image sizes
- Adobe CC cheat sheet for photographers
- What is a High or Low Key image?
- How to do a “Cut-Out” (using ‘channels’)
- How to replace a sky (using ‘channels’)
- How to sharpen an image (using ‘channels’)
- How to whiten teeth (using ‘channels’)